
Legal Declaration
Legal Declaration

1.Use of the homepage

The content on Eddie Precision (hereinafter referred to as "the homepage") is for your personal, non-commercial use only.  You should respect and retain any copyright and other ownership notices contained in the content. You may not modify, copy, publicly display, publish, distribute, or use these materials in any way for any public or commercial purpose.  The content and formatting on this site are protected by copyright laws and other legal protections, and any unauthorized use may constitute infringement of copyright, trademarks, and other legal rights. If you do not accept or violate the above agreement, your authorization to use this site will automatically terminate, and you should immediately destroy any downloaded or printed content from the homepage.

2.Information Publication

The information provided on the homepage is provided as is, without any form of warranty, including merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of intellectual property rights.  The information published on this site may be products, programs, or services that are not available in your local area, and you may inquire with the designated contact for more information.

3.General Principles

Eddie Precision may modify these terms at any time.  You should regularly visit this page to understand the current terms, as these terms are relevant to you. Certain provisions of these terms may also be replaced by legal notices or terms specified on certain pages of this site.

4.Disputes arising from this notice or the use of the homepage shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.

5.The interpretation of this notice and the interpretation of the use of the homepage are attributed to Eddie Precision.

信宜市| 临桂县| 建水县| 鄂托克前旗| 株洲县| 通渭县| 丹寨县| 南阳市| 门头沟区| 高尔夫| 天门市| 灵丘县| 兖州市| 石林| 蓬莱市| 桃园县| 衡东县| 玉树县| 丹东市| 宜阳县| 利川市| 潜江市| 灵璧县| 内江市| 北海市| 体育| 应用必备| 济南市| 即墨市| 南平市| 新巴尔虎右旗| 绵阳市| 淮滨县| 浑源县| 巧家县| 丹江口市| 桐城市| 察隅县| 东丽区| 定南县| 红河县|